And now for something completely different.. (drumroll)... astronomy!
We're building a big telescope to carry out the biggest, faster, widest survey in optical astronomy. I run a small devops team in a much larger data management division - we do current data services work - lots of Python (3) data services (FastAPI) running on Kubernetes on Google Cloud and on-prem (ie sometimes in... actually clouds).
I have a number of refugees from well-known dotcoms in my team, here's why they tell me they work here despite, you know, the universe not handing out stock options:
* Sustained and humane software development, with opportunities to refactor code for incremental improvements and extend your codebase over multiple years
* No pager. If you want to turn off your phone after hours, fine (I keep mine on because fixing telescopes is actually fun to me but there's no on-call)
* No doing interviews as your job.
* 100% open source with many opportunities to upstream (all our code is on Github: )
* Surprisingly (for academia) current toolchain and coding practices
* Benefits, stability w/ opportunity for growth. My full-stack engineer joined 8 years ago and is (still) doing better work every year. My most recent hire is a security engineer who has been with me longer than the average dotcom tenure and seems to think it's Christmas every time I tell him he's allowed to tidy up code we already have in production.
* Pay is decent, more so if you're not paying Bay Area rent. Not as much as you'd make as a Senior Engineer at Google. But:
* Nobody is the product. We stand on the shoulders of giants.
If you're interested: . And if you are a US taxpayer, thank you for funding our scientific mission!