in Tucson AZ| Full Time | REMOTE(US)| Job description -> | salary range $100,000+
Fangamer makes licensed video game merchandise, and we are looking for a med-level developer to take over some responsibilities from our Senior dev. (please see the job description for all requirements).
General work hours would be 8 hours somewhere between 7:00-18:00 (UTC-7), M-F. You would be working with our Tech Manager and Senior Developer to take over maintenance and development on our internal shipping application (Ruby/Rails). Please note that we are not specifically looking for a Rails dev, but as many of our projects are in Rails, it would be required to learn it enough to maintain them. The other job responsibilities would include working with Shopify API, some light dev-ops, and eventually working as lead architect on new projects.
Experience: looking for applicants with at least 4 years experience working with modern web stacks, databases, and API. Also need to have some experience with UI and Dev-ops. Equally important is the ability to work and communicate within a team, and fit into our admittedly quirky culture of artists and game nerds
If you have any interest, please apply (and check us out) here: