HORA | Gurgaon, India | Android engineer, Full-stack engineer | Salary + equity | Full-time | Onsite | http://challenge.horafin.com/
Become employee #4 at India's next unicorn!
Hora is building the India's largest credit engine. The first iteration of our vision is to provide credit/loans to Indians without a credit score - that is 79% of India’s population. Lots of exciting massive technical opportunities in Machine Learning, Scalable Systems, Android OS, etc. Our tech stack for web development is TypeScript / Node.js / React / GraphQL, and Python / NumPy / Pandas for data processing. We're a funded startup with an office in Gurgaon.
The founding team consists of 3 Princeton University grads and advised by legends in worlds of technology and finance. The CEO graduated from Princeton University in Economics and Finance, where he was Co-President of Princeton Entrepreneurship Club. Before Hora, he founded one of the top education consulting companies in India. The CTO studied Computer Science at Princeton University, was a 2x ACM ICPC World Finalist, worked at a Y Combinator funded company in Silicon Valley, and before Hora started a successful product studio and a coding bootcamp.
Say hi: arman@horafin.com