Nimble | Bangkok, Thailand | Fulltime | ONSITE | Visa/Work Permit + Relocation assistance |
No rockstars or ninja developers here. We are a team of friendly and passionate software engineers, product owners and designers striving to build outstanding web and mobile applications for companies of all sizes, from 1-person startups to Fortune 500 companies. We take a product development approach, creating custom software that people will love to use and empowering our clients to do what they do best - better.
- Lead Android Developer:
- Lead iOS Developer:
- Lead Web Developer:
- Technical Product Owner:
We keep our recruitment process practical and straightforward:
bitfish | DevOps, SRE, System Engineer, and more | Seoul, Bangkok, or Remote | Full-Time
Hi! We are bitfish. We secure most of the cryptocurrency networks that you care about. Some of our projects include f2pool - one of the largest and most comprehensive PoW mining pools in the world, and - one of the most reputable validator and block producer for PoS networks.
We are looking for DevOps, Site Reliability Engineer (SRE), Senior Systems Engineer, and more to join our journey.
Please apply directly at:
You can also reach us at